If you have any additional questions or if you are not able to find an answer in the below. Please contact us and we would be happy to help!

Are we able to download the books?

We do not offer PDF’s books and cannot be downloaded in any membership. All our books are converted into e-books, which provide users the great ability to read. 

Is payment method secure?

Yes, it is fully secure. Our payment gateway is Stripe, Which is a PCI level 1 provider for online transactions.

Why paid membership?

We charge minimum fee for membership, so that we can keep this website running and can provide our readers new books regularly.

Why is included in the paid membership?

Paid membership offers the readers with full access to the website i.e. all Punjabi books, quizzes and blogs. Moreover under this memberships you will get email notification for about any new update and also to keep you motivated

What is included in the free membership?

Free membership gives you limited access to the website that includes up to four punjabi books, few quizzes. 

You get full access to view blogs.

We try to update these free punjabi books every month. so that readers can access new books even with free membership.

How can I renew my membership?

When you first signup for the membership, you have two options to choose from auto payment or manual payment. If you go for manual payments, you need to pay manually once your membership is about to renew.

From My Account page, choose the option to renew membership, if you see a ‘Make Payment’ button that means you have selected to manually charge for the payments. Simply click on the button and renew your membership. However if this button is not available then it means you will be automatically be charged for the membership on your transaction cycle date.

Can I cancel my membership?

Yes, memberships can be cancelled anytime. You would just need to go to your account and choose the option to cancel the membership and it would be cancelled immediately. 

Even if you cancel the membership you would still be able to access our free membership content.

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